She left the SDHL team SDE after paying attention to the many love relationships within her own club SDE in a summer talk last year arranged by SDHL.

- It is difficult to perform on a rink together when you do not like each other and it feels like your teammates are opponents, she said a year ago to SVT Sport.

But now the 22-year-old is reloading in Gothenburg HC.

The club is looking forward to having a high-class goalkeeper but also sees the man.

"We know she has her eyes on her"

- We know she has her eyes on her.

She and we agree that she must be able to say what she feels and she thinks.

That in some circles she was branded as homophobic - that is not true at all, based on the reasoning we had.

But Sofia has a humane basic view, says chairman Jan Mellgren to GP.

Reideborn wants to continue to convey her views when she now returns to SDHL.

- It is that everyone should think equally about whether you should have a salary, and relationships, all that sort of thing.

There have been a lot of rights, not so many obligations.

And there you must not so much have a different thought, like me then, that you should show first and get later, she says.

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After the criticism - Sofia Reideborn takes a break from hockey.

Photo: SVT / Bildbyrån