With the opening of the Tokyo Olympics approaching, 40% of the companies that support sports are considering reducing or discontinuing support in the future, according to a survey of groups made in the domestic league of ball games. ..

"The situation is likely to get tougher after the Olympics. We need to explore the value of sports," said the person in charge.

In February, the Japan Top League Alliance, which is created in the domestic league of ball games, conducted a questionnaire survey of 200 companies that have a track record of supporting sports such as team sponsors and 200 companies that have no track record of support. did.

As a result, among the companies that have a track record in sports support,

▼ 3% of the companies answered that they would not continue to


, and

▼ 37 of the companies that answered that they would like to continue supporting but need to review the scale and content. % in the uplink,

a total of 40% it was found that they are considering a reduction or discontinuation of support.

As for the reason, the most common answer was "It is difficult to visualize the results and it is difficult to measure the cost effectiveness", "Because it is more effective to support other efforts" and "Given the future cost" It is difficult to continue. "

In addition, as a result of comparing whether companies support sports by men and women, 37% of companies chose boys, while only 20% chose girls.

It can be seen that women's sports are in a more difficult situation due to low awareness.

On the other hand, among the companies that have no track record of support, 30% of the companies answered that they would like to consider support in the future, citing "improvement of image" and "social contribution" as reasons.

Yoshinori Taguchi, the secretary general of the Japan Top League Alliance, said, "I think companies are not finding value in the traditional sports support of advertising to the team to get exposure. The Olympics are over. For example, the situation is expected to become more severe, and I have a great sense of crisis. We must present new value from the sports side, such as contributions to society and the community. "