Unsurprisingly, it was a close duel between Johan Kristoffersson and Niclas Grönholm in the doubles competition in Oulu.

And the former linked a grip on the title in RallyX Nordic when he left the competition with a victory and second place.

Kristoffersson got off to a rough start, however, when the turbo hose broke down - thus the World Cup driver Grönholm was able to steer forward in the lead.

Then it would hit him too.

Grönholm got a puncture in the final and Kristoffersson was given the opportunity to get past - something he did and won.

- No major problems.

It's good to have a day when it's just flowing, says Johan Kristoffersson according to the Volkswagen Dealer team.

Second in the qualifiers

The three-time world champion Kristoffersson ended up in second place behind Grönholm in the qualifiers and a win later in the semifinals meant that he had outer tracks in the front row.

- I would have needed the inner track to be able to do something for Niclas, states Kristoffersson, who checked his second place and became the driver who picked up the most points during the weekend.

- I can not do more than I did today.

I drove everything that went.

Johan's father Tommy Kristoffersson agrees:

- May be happy with the weekend.

It's not just about going to Finland and driving away from the Finns.

Kristoffersson leads the championship with 27 points before Grönholm and 29 down to Sondre Evjen.

Now only one competition remains, on the Westombanan in Arvika in August.

CLIP: Johan Kristoffersson took historic victory in Extreme E (April 4)

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Johan Kristoffersson and his teammate Molly Taylor won directly in Extreme E. Photo: Eurosport.