This year's corona-adapted digital edition of the Swedish Sports Meeting will be something out of the ordinary.

Never before have so many motions and proposals come in.

The exercise that has had the most impact in advance and is likely to make the most difference is the one that the Ice Hockey Association, together with ten other associations, have signed.

The one who is most radical in his criticism of the Swedish Sports Confederation is the one who comes from the fencing association.

- The paradox is that the most radical thing in this situation would be to keep this situation as it is.

That RF should continue to be an interest organization for all different member unions and at the same time be the ones who decide and distribute state support, says Otto Drakenberg, chairman of the fencing association.

Wants RF to resign from the role of authority

Today, the Swedish Sports Confederation functions in many ways as an authority.

They take care of and are responsible for the distribution of the money that the government allocates to sports.

At the same time, RF is the sports interest organization that is to protect the members' interests vis-à-vis the state.

A situation that, according to the fencing association, has led to the large sports associations that have the most power within the RF also gaining a disproportionate amount of power over the sports movement.

They want to keep RF as an interest organization for the sports movement.

But they want a separate, state authority to take over the responsibility for deciding on and distributing the money.

- We want them separated.

Today it is put together, it is something that can be called corporatism.

It is quite outdated in the western world but we keep it in Sweden.

But only in the sports movement, it's baroque.

The RF base rejects the proposal: "Dad the state shares"

The proposal has been met with skepticism from RF's decision-making body, the Swedish Sports Confederation.

- I am a bit against that nationalizing socialism or what should we say.

The meaning of this is that the father the state shares and we citizens gratefully accept.

I'm a little more into the sport taking care of that myself.

It is not an exercise that I really make the wave for, says RF chairman Björn Eriksson.

He believes instead that the model that now exists works as long as the members are active and replaces their board if it does not work.

- It is the model they created in the 50s / 60s and I think it is wise.

For the second alternative that individual politicians decide who should get is much much worse, says Eriksson.

- We know nowadays that those who do a certain sport at Friends Arena and those who do fencing, wrestling or any other sport do not belong to the same sports movement.

Then the model does not work.

The purpose of the model is flawed, says the fencing association's chairman Otto Drakenberg.

It would be surprising if the Swedish Sports Confederation and its member federations would vote to more or less dissolve themselves this weekend.

But expect that it will be debated healthy when the sports representatives meet at the National Sports Meeting.

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The federations' criticism: RF has become more of a sports authority