He has just won an unexpected title of champion of France with Lille.

His first as a head coach.

He has also just been elected best coach in Ligue 1, for the third time in his career.

Quite logically, Christophe Galtier is particularly coveted for next season.

And, four years after his arrival at Losc, he could well change horizon.

At a press conference, the northern coach, under contract until 2022, gave few clues about his future.

Except that he was going to meet his president, Olivier Létang, on Monday to take stock of his personal situation.

"I didn't make any decision"

“I will have a discussion with my president.

I'll be frank, I haven't made any decisions.

I read things in the press, like you.

It is with my president that I have to talk, ask questions, get answers.

For now, I want to take advantage of this moment [the coronation].


Aged 54, Christophe Galtier has been coaching Lille since 2017. In recent hours, he was approached in Nice or Lyon.


Angers-Losc: Cries, tears, rolls ... Champions of France, Lille exult on the lawn


Ligue 1: How Lille must mentally manage its last match to be champion at Angers

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