Shohei Ohtani of the Major League Baseball Angels made a full appearance in the athletics game on the 22nd, and made a ground ball hit in front of Wright to make it a two-base, and also hit a three-base to mark one RBI.

On the 22nd, Otani started in the athletics game in Anaheim, California, where he was the second and designated hitter, and struck out the fastball in the first at bat and the curve in the second at bat in the third inning. I struck out two at-bats in a row.

The third turn at bat in the 6th inning was blocked by a fastball from the full count, but a dull ground ball hit the side of the second and made use of his own speed to advance to the second base at a stretch and hit in front of the light as a two-base base. Received the cheers of the fans.

Otani's hit is the first in three games since the game on the 19th, when he played at the same time by hitting.

In addition, in the 4th at-bat, which was greeted with 2 outs and 1st base in the 8th inning to chase 5 points, he caught a curve with a low outside angle and carried it to the fence, hitting a three-base that repels the grab of the center that ran behind, and scored the RBI for the first time in 4 games. I did.

Otani marked the 13th multiple hits of the season with 2 hits and 1 RBI in 4 at bats, and his batting average rose to 20%, 6 minutes and 8 RBIs.

The Angels lost 2 to 6 and lost 3 consecutive games.