On the 6th day of the Sumo Summer Basho, Terunofuji, who returned to Ozeki, rejected the first challenge of Hoshoryu in the flat curtain and won only 6 consecutive victories.

It is a victory or defeat after entering the middle.

▽ Juryo Tokushoryu won the Chiyomaru by pushing out the Chiyomaru.

▽ Kaisei is pushed out into the sky and sea.

▽ Ishiura throws Ishiura well at Daiamami.

▽ Chiyo Tairyu pushes Kotonowaka to Chiyo Tairyu.

▽ Chiyoshoma is struck by Akiseyama.

▽ Kotoeko pushes Tamawashi to Kotoeko.

▽ Terutsuyoshi Shoki's sea is overwhelmed by the sea of ​​Okinoumi.

▽ Tochinoshin is close to Tochinoshin.

▽ Shimanoumi won the Takarafuji by sending out Shimanoumi.

▽ In Kensho, Hidenoumi has decided on Kensho.

▽ Ichinojo pushes Endo into Ichinojo.

▽ Wakatakakage is infused into Abusaki.

▽ Akio won by pushing out to Hokutofuji.

▽ Koyui / Mitakeumi and Sekiwake / Takayasu's 1 defeat was won by Takayasu with a good throw.

▽ Sekiwake / Takanosho wins, and Daieishō pushes out Koyui / Daieishō.

▽ Mt. Kiriba throws Ozeki and Mt. Asano well.

▽ Terunofuji is close to Ozeki and Terunofuji, and the former yokozuna and Asashoryu's Hoshoryu.

Terunofuji is the only one to win 6 straight games.

▽ Myogiryu pushes Ozeki and Masayo to Myogiryu.

▽ In Ozeki and Takakeishō, Shosaru defended 1 loss by winning with Takakeishō sticking out.