
Pitcher Hyeon-jong Yang made a strong impression by striking out eight in his major league starter debut. This is the most strikeouts before the debut of a Korean pitcher.

This is reporter Lee Seong-hoon.


Yang Hyeon-jong, who set the record for the oldest starting debut of the Texas club at 33, overwhelmed Minnesota with his experience.

With the change-up falling slightly outside the strike zone, he struck out all of the first American League'April Player' Buxton, three All-Star former Donaldson, and six All-Star elected Cruise.

I hit a solo home run in the 2nd time, but I added 2 times, 3 times, and 2 strikeouts without being shaken.

Ta-soon was on the verge of making no-outs with four moneys, two hits, and one walk, but he struck out his eighth against Polanco and overcame Hangobi and shook hands with manager Woodward to finish his starting debut.

As the second pitcher King passed the crisis with consecutive hits, Hyeon-jong Yang scored only one goal and set a foothold for the team's victory.

Yang Hyun-jong, who has exceeded the five most strikeouts before Park Chan-ho and Ryu Hyun-jin's Korean debut, wore a cowboy hat that the coach gave to the awardee.

[Yang Hyun-jong/Texas Pitcher: The more I throw, the more I threw with my own ball formulation, so I think the process wasn't bad.]

St. Louis Kim Kwang-hyun also came out as a starter for the New York Mets, contributing to victory.

Even in a cluttered situation where the match was stopped several times due to protests from the opponent's bench against the number of hits to the coach's mound and video readings, it was replaced with a pinch hit after struggling with 2 hits and 1 goal up to the 4th inning.

(Video editing: Nam Il)