
The trial of child pornography against the former professional footballer Christoph Metzelder began on Thursday morning in the Düsseldorf district court with the indictment being read out.

The public prosecutor's office accuses the 40-year-old of having distributed child pornography in 29 cases and in one case of possessing child and youth pornography.

In one case, there was talk of a “toddler” in a strongly sexualized pose.

Metzelder made a partial confession after a break in negotiations at noon.

He admitted the forwarding of 18 child and youth pornographic files.

He did not admit to owning nearly 300 files as charged.

“I accept the punishment and ask forgiveness from victims of sexual violence.

I will have to live with this guilt as part of society for the rest of my life, ”said Metzelder.

The district court had promised a prison sentence of between ten and twelve months on probation in the event of a confession.

It had emphasized that the former national soccer player was considered innocent until the proceedings were finally concluded.


That morning Metzelder had entered the hall in a gray jacket and a black FFP2 mask.

He commented on his résumé, his sporting career and his social commitment, of which he was "very proud".

However, he was silent about the allegations.

"September 3, 2019 was a turning point, professionally, socially, privately," he said.

He has lived "since then, withdrawn, all professional and social commitments are suspended or have already ended".

He wanted to return the Federal Cross of Merit and the North Rhine-Westphalian Order of Merit “out of respect for current and future award winners”.

Metzelder's lawyer Ulrich Sommer criticized in his statement that the main hearing was held.

The public prosecutor accuses Metzelder of sending videos of explicit sexual acts to minors via the WhatsApp messenger service in the period from July to September 2019.

Among other things, boys and girls under ten or under 14 years of age could be seen.

A total of 297 files with child and youth pornographic content


He is said to have sent ten pictures with child pornography to a witness.

The 40-year-old is said to have sent 16 pictures and two videos with child pornographic content to another woman in the same way.

Metzelder sent a third witness with a child pornographic picture.

A total of 297 files with child and youth pornographic content were found on a cell phone of the former national player that was seized during searches.

Metzelder on arrival at the court

Source: Getty Images / Lukas Schulze

A week before the start of the process, Metzelder's lawyer admitted in an interview that his client had acted wrongly, but at the same time encouraged understanding for the 40-year-old.

The former international was "shocked by himself that there is such a thing as a double life".

He is currently in therapy.

This is a "help to make yourself aware of how you dealt with certain questions such as sexuality or dealing with women yourself in your particular situation," said the Cologne lawyer.

The start of the process was Metzelder's first public appearance since the allegations became known in September 2019. If convicted, he faces a fine or imprisonment of three months to five years.

For the proceedings before the Düsseldorf District Court, two further dates have been set up until the beginning of May.

Metzelder with his defense: Julia Donnepp ​​(l.) And Ulrich Sommer (r.)