SVT Sport talks to the Swedish football giant hours after the news that the controversial super league will not end.

Twelve European top clubs intended to break away and create their own closed league, but after strong protests from supporters, leaders and international federations, the plans are put on hold.

Karl-Erik Nilsson, also chairman of the Swedish Football Association, is relieved.

- They broke out and broke down within 48 hours.

It has been at least two turbulent days.

I am incredibly proud of fans, players, leaders and politicians around Europe who have stood up to this in unison.

It is very, very gratifying that they have withdrawn their thoughts.

It feels great that way, he says to SVT Sport.

Do you think that the initiators were prepared for this mobilization?

- No, this collective way of acting and standing up for the European sports values ​​and our way of competing, I think they were surprised by that.

That our fans go hand in hand with sports leaders on these issues feels incredibly good, it feels very, very powerful.

And that the political system stands up and defends the European sports model.

It was a really strong manifestation that led in exactly the direction we wanted and hoped for.

Have you and Uefa influenced or is it the mobilization that is the basis?

- I think it is the overall mobilization.

It has been seen that you do not get any mercy, whether it is at the highest political level or the fans, but everyone is in unison against this.

It was probably a force that you had not counted on when you sat in your closed room and made up for this.

The clubs that would be included in the Super League were Milan, Arsenal, Atlético Madrid, Chelsea, Barcelona, ​​Inter, Juventus, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United, Real Madrid and Tottenham.

Karl-Erik Nilsson says that it has been difficult to reach the initiators behind the project.

- It has been almost impossible in these last few days.

They have not been particularly keen on talking to anyone.

Discussions about an outlaw have been going on for several years and Karl-Erik Nilsson believes that it will appear in the future as well.

- But I think that European football has been vaccinated for a decent time in the future now given the massive opposition that was raised around this issue.