Fossesholm was given in the Norwegian distance team with only Therese Johaug clearly ahead of her in the results lists.

Despite problems with her nerves, it was a World Cup gold in relay where she was honored to take the final distance.

Fossesholm is also a great cycling talent and took bronze at the JVM debut in 2019. In February, she signed for the Norwegian mountain bike national team to ride some World Cup competitions and finish with the World Cup in August.

At the same time, the idea was that she would devote time to medical studies in the spring, but that would not happen either.

- There will be nothing with it in the spring.

I do not have time to study medicine, says Fossesholm to NRK.

Elevation camp ahead of the Beijing Olympics

To get well prepared for the championship in Beijing, which is decided at an altitude of 1800 meters, Norway is investing in several high-altitude camps.

They will be located in summer and autumn and it is important to adapt the training to these camps.

Here, an elite investment in mountain biking becomes difficult to implement.

- I think it will be difficult, says Fossesholm who prioritizes the national team gatherings.

- I will have full focus on these collections and when I come home from these I will not just drive on.

Then I will want to ride a bike too, but it will be mostly in the early summer.

I will not train myself to death to bring both branches with me, says the 19-year-old.

National team coach Ole Morten Iversen is pleased that Fossesholm has steered the focus on skiing and states:

- When there are gatherings with the national ski team, it is clear that she can not go cycling competitions in Central Europe, he says.