“Two years ago the text of the rules in the part of the hand game was changed.

If earlier it was written that a player is punished only if he deliberately plays the ball with his hand, now this is one of the criteria from the list for which players should be punished.

When the ball hit the transition between shoulder and arm, the referees did not consider it a violation of the rules.

The ball is not a point, and when it touches the “allowed” part of the hand, it can touch the “forbidden” part.

Now they clearly wrote in the rules - if the ball touches the hand to the level of the armpit, then this is not a violation of the rules, "Match TV quotes Levnikov.

He noted that in July a new interpretation of the rules will be introduced, which, in his opinion, will be more fair.

“I hope the referees will interpret them correctly.

It will clearly say that it is necessary to take into account not only whether the hand is set aside from the body or not, but also whether this lag is natural.

Then we will come to the interpretation that was in the 1980-1990s, when we were judged and we were practically not criticized for the appointment of 11-meters.

Then everything was simpler, only deliberate hand play was taken into account.

I hope that with the change in the interpretation of the rules of the game, the fans and specialists will have fewer questions to the referees, ”added a member of the ECS RFU.

Earlier it was reported that the IFAB has made changes to the rules of football regarding handball.