At the Tokyo Olympic torch relay held in Fukushima Prefecture, there was an accident in which a runner ran for almost one section with a torch that was not lit.

In the second section of the second day, when the torch was handed over from the 4th runner to the 5th runner in Iitate village, I brought the torch closer to the torch, but it did not catch fire easily.

The next runner started running with a torch that seemed to be slightly lit, but the running image captured by the NHK camera did not show that the torch was lit. ..

The runner was stopped by the staff just before the next relay point, stopped temporarily, ignited by a spare fire, and then handed over the torch to the next runner.

Takayuki Ishizawa, a native of Namie Town, who was in charge of this section, told reporters after finishing the run, "I didn't notice that the torch was out because I was holding the torch up, and shortly before I finished running, I said," "It's gone," he said, "What? The torch is going to go out."

At the time of the torch relay, a strong wind warning was issued to Iitate village, and when the staff tried to ignite with a spare fire, the torch did not ignite easily, Mr. Ishizawa said, "Staff The fire I brought was extinguished many times. I was worried that the torch couldn't be connected because of myself, but I was relieved to be able to connect to the next runner safely. " I did.

At the Tokyo Olympic Torch Relay, on the 25th of the first day, there were two accidents in which the torch was extinguished during the transfer of the torch between runners and while driving, and each time it was reignited with a spare fire.