Kenta Maeda, who is the opening pitcher of this season in the Major League Baseball Twins, started the open game on the 20th and pitched well with 1 goal in the middle of the 6th inning.

Maeda, who will be the opening pitcher for the first time in the sixth year of the Major League Baseball, started in the open game against Rays in Florida in five days.

In the second inning, pitcher Maeda was hit by a solo home run by being caught by a slider with a low out course by the 5th batter, and suffered his first goal in the fourth open game.

However, after this, he showed stable pitching at a good tempo, and even in the pinch of 2 outs, 1st base and 3rd base in the 3rd inning, he struck the 3rd batter with a curve to a short fly and survived.

Pitcher Maeda appealed for the smooth adjustment for the opening game on the 1st of next month with 5 innings and 1/3 innings, throwing 75 balls, 1 run with 4 hits, and 6 strikeouts.

Yoshitomo Tsutsugo of Rays did not participate in this match.

Regarding the home run that was hit, Maeda said, "The ball I threw was not bad, but I felt that it was hit well. Today was the day when I threw the most balls before the opening, so I tried various balls. I'm glad I was able to suppress it, "he recalled.

After that, he said to the opening pitcher, "Assuming that the match will be held in Minnesota, in order to get used to the long sleeves that I have no experience with, I wore long sleeves for the first time in about 7 years and threw in the match. I want to be in good physical condition so that I can be fully welcomed. "