Yang Hyeon-jong (33 years old, Texas Rangers) made his dream of entering the big leagues further by struggling in his third demonstration game.

He was doubled by former Lotte Giants infielder Andy Burns after three years, but both hits against DJ Peters, who allowed his first home run on the American stage.

On the 20th (Korean time), Yang Hyun-jong was saved in the 2021 US Pro Baseball Major League Demonstration Game against the Los Angeles Dodgers at Camalback Ranch in Glendale, Arizona, USA, and gave 3 hits in 3 innings and scored 1 goal.

He didn't allow walking, and he struck out four.

The number of pitches was 37.

Yang Hyun-jong maintained an average ERA of 3.00 (2 runs in 6 innings) in the demonstration game.

Yang Hyun-jong appeared at the end of the 5th inning, which was behind 6-0 on this day.

Yang Hyun-jong, who faced left-handed batter Jack McKinstley, allowed a strong batting ball, but the ball struck Yang’s left foot and flowed in front of second baseman Nick Solak.

Solak calmly thrown to first base and caught McKinstley, and Yang Hyun-jong clapped for Solak.

The follow-up hitter was Peters, the right-handed hitter who hit a solo home run to Yang Hyun-jong on the 8th.

Yang Hyun-jong shook Peters by throwing a fastball, a curveball, and a fastball in turn, and handled it with a ground ball on the first base side.

As soon as the batted ball rolled toward first base, Yang Hyun-jong ran for the base cover and stepped on first base by catching the throw of first baseman Ronald Gooseman.

Elliott Soto swung the bat to Yang Hyun-jong's first fastball and turned to a first baseman floating ball.

Yang Hyun-jong finished his first inning with 7 balls.

In episode 6, I had a hard time.

Yang Hyun-jong was hit by the first batter, Rangel Ravello, from the left, and was allowed on base for the first time on this day.

Burns appeared in front of Hyunjong Yang, who took a sigh while striking Sheldon Noyce in 3 pitches.

Burns was strong against Hyun-jong Yang in 17 at-bats and 8 hits (0.471 batting average) when playing for the Lotte Giants in 2017 and 2018.

In the first meeting of the major league demonstration game, Burns beat Hyunjong Yang.

Burns struck a double hitting left fielder by catching Yang Hyun-jong's second ball.

Yang Hyeon-jong, who was driven to the second and third base of the one-out, was hit by a heavy hit by Austin Barnes and scored 1 goal.

However, Yang Hyun-jong did not make an additional goal.

Yang Hyeon-jong struck out Matt Davidson on the 1st and 3rd base crisis and struck out Matt Davidson with a ground ball on second base and ended the inning.

The 7th pitch was perfect.

Yang Hyun-jong turned McKinstley into a missed swing and grabbed Peters, who met again, with a ground ball at third base.

Soto struck out with a dropping changeup.

Soto, whose balance was broken by Yang Hyun-jong's perfect pitch, couldn't touch the ball and sent the bat to the 3rd base dougout.

Yang Hyun-jong signed a split contract with Texas (a contract that sets a difference in salary when in major and minor leagues).

Yang Hyeon-jong, who joined the Texas Major League Spring Camp as an invited player, succeeded in staying in the two-time entry adjustments, raising his dream of entering the big leagues.

Coach Chris Woodward said that Yang Hyeon-jong can be used as a second tandem spot or long relief, a'pitcher who starts right after the start and throws a long inning'.

Yang Hyun-jong replied with a good 3 innings.

The sluggishness of other Texas pitchers who appeared on the day made Yang Hyun-jong's pitch stand out.

Kyle Cody, who started starting, collapsed with 8 hits and 5 runs in 2⅓innings.

Lewis Otis (1 inning 1 hit, 1 walk, no loss) and Hunter Wood (1 inning, 2 hits, 1 run), who started before Yang Hyun-jong were also shaken.

Texas gave 15 hits to the Dodgers and lost 7-2.