On the 5th day of the Sumo Spring Basho, Terunofuji Sekiwake, who is aiming to return to Ozeki, was defeated by Abu Saki in the flat curtain and now enjoyed the first black star in the place.

It is a victory or defeat after entering the middle.

▽ In Kaisei, Daiamami won by Kaisei leaning over and won 4 wins and 1 loss.

▽ Chiyomaru sticks out from Kensho to Juryo Chiyomaru.

▽ Hidenoumi throws Hidenoumi well to Kotoeko.

▽ Terutsuyoshi is close to Toyoyama.

▽ Chiyoshoma throws Chiyoshoma well on Akiseyama.

▽ Aoiyama is pushed out by Chiyotairyu.

▽ Chiyo no Kuni pushes Ryuden into Chiyo no Kuni.

▽ Shosaru is close to Midorifuji.

▽ Toyosho Ryu is pushed down by Kotonowaka.

▽ Tamawashi won by pushing down Tamawashi.

▽ Tochinoshin Tsuyoshi The sea of ​​Okinoumi is close to Tochinoshin.

▽ Myogiryu wins against Ichinojo with a close-knit victory, and only one person has won 5 consecutive victories from the first day.

▽ Endo is close to Shimanoumi.

▽ Takayasu sticks out from Kiribayama.

▽ Daieishō pushes Mitakeumi to Daieishō.

Daieishō, who won the first place, is now the first white star in the place.

▽ Takanosho is pushed out by Takarafuji.

▽ Abu Saki is pushed out to Sekiwake Terunofuji.

Terunofuji, aiming to return to Ozeki, has now experienced the first black star in the place.

▽ Wakatakakage is close to Masayo Ozeki.

Masayo is 2 wins and 3 losses and is ahead of Kuroboshi.

▽ Hokutofuji is overwhelmed by Takakeishō Ozeki.

▽ Asanoyama Ozeki won the Meisei with a close-knit victory.