Several horses have died in the past month due to the abortion virus, EHV-1.

And the competition stop has been introduced until March 28, three days before the World Cup finals and the Gothenburg Horse Show begins.

- If more horses become infected, I think it will be difficult to implement.

But if the peak has been and it settles down, and everyone isolates themselves, you will see when it approaches.

If it's safe, I will ride, says Swedish equestrian star Peder Fredricson in the SVT program Carina Bergfeldt.

How worried are you?

- For my own part, I have all the horses at home now, and it feels good.

However, I am very sorry for everyone who has been affected by it, it is very tragic.

It is not a new virus, there are horses that have died from it for many years.

Peder Fredricson is a guest on the talk show program Carina Bergfeldt, it will be broadcast on Friday 12 March at 21.00 on SVT1.