- He went in pretty hard on me.

The judges washed him straight away, says Andreas Kramer to SVT Sport.

The Swede started the European Championship semi-final well and led after just under one lap.

But at the beginning of the second and final lap, the Pole Mateuz Borkowski stepped in front of Kramer and closed the Swede who had a higher speed he never got the chance to use.

"Do not get tight as he does"

Instead, Kramer did not manage to get back into the race and was only third in the finish where the first two advanced to the final.

Britain's Jamie Webb was the second in addition to Borkowski to defeat Kramer.

But afterwards came the news that the Pole had been washed for his move, which means that Kramer is ready for the final.


- I heard that they (Poland) have submitted a counter-protest, so it is not completely decided yet how it will be but right now it looks like I am in the final, says Kramer.

- I ran badly today but I think I deserve to be in the final, the 23-year-old continues.

SVT's expert Alhaji Jeng says this about the incident:

- You must not narrow in as he does.

As far as Sweden is concerned, we can hope that the protest does not go through and that Kramer gets to run the final, says Jeng.