Every morning, Anicet Mbida gives us the very best in terms of innovation.

Today, a technological breakthrough that should delight cattle breeders.

The Ceres Tag company offers a satellite box, slipped into an earring, capable of measuring the activity of cows within a herd.

The innovation of the day is agriculture which is becoming more and more high-tech.

For example, you have found activity bracelets for cows.

If we want to be precise, we should rather speak of "activity earring", because the case clings to the ear of the cow.

But it is the same principle as our bracelets for sport.

Except that they're not going to count the number of cow antics in the meadow.

But rather the number of times that she grazes, that she ruminates.

They will also follow his GPS position, his temperature ... In short, give a whole lot of information on his state of health and his diet. 

They can also send an alert if the cow is mugged or if someone tries to steal it.

This can be of great value to breeders, especially when they have a lot of animals to watch out for. 

How it works ?

You have to recharge the box, have antennas everywhere to retrieve the information? 


And that's the novelty: the box sends all its information by satellite to a central and we then retrieve it from any internet connection.

And since it also has a solar panel, there is no need to recharge it.

It is the first satellite box.

It is offered by Ceres Tag.  

And is it expensive?

Yes: € 100 per box.

But it can save breeders a lot of time.

They who find it increasingly difficult to recruit, while the profession tends to age.

We should see more and more robots, drones, artificial intelligence in agriculture.

This is a general trend called "precision farming".

The idea: to treat each animal, each plant, each leaf differently.

This makes it possible to limit chemicals and to have a more individualized approach to agriculture.

Old fashioned.