At the microphone of Europe 1, sports doctor Roland Krzentowski believes that despite the exemptions put in place, too many people suffering from a chronic illness or a long-term illness still have difficulty in being able to access a sports Hall.

It warns about the effects of a sedentary lifestyle on the most vulnerable.


We talk a lot about the desire of the French to reopen restaurants, cinemas, museums or even theaters closed due to health restrictions to fight against the Covid-19 epidemic.

But a survey published earlier this week also recalls the need for many to reconnect with sport, while the rooms also remain closed for most of the public: 62% of people questioned for this Ipsos barometer consider that the resumption of sports activities are essential for them.

"There are more people who consider this recovery essential than people who practice a sporting activity during periods outside Covid. It is therefore good news for sports venues which will be extremely crowded when the health crisis has subsided. packed ", greeted Tuesday, at the microphone of Europe Morning, Roland Krzentowski, sports doctor and director of the room Mon Stade, recognized sports-health house.

"This health crisis has highlighted the importance of moving for your health. Most often, it is when you have an infection or when you have a symptom that you are most sensitive to virtuous behavior that you are we should have it when all is well ", explains Roland Krzentowski.

"Containment is a way of becoming aware of the importance of physical activity," said this practitioner.

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Adverse consequences on certain infections, in particular cardiovascular diseases

"The only members who can be accommodated in the theater at the moment are members who have a chronic disease, who have a long-term illness. However, these patients, diabetics, hypertensive or with a cardiovascular problem, have seen their pathology. worsen when they have been confined, "says Roland Krzentowski.

"In any case, they are delighted to be able to return to a place that can welcome them. But indeed, we saw them in less good shape than when we left them before the health crisis."

And the risks associated with a lack of sport also concern the youngest.

According to a study by the National Health Security Agency, published in November, half of French teenagers have a very high health risk with more than 4h30 of screen and less than twenty minutes of sporting activity per day.

"One of the deleterious effects of this health crisis is the increase in the amount of time spent inactive," says Roland Krzentowski.

"You have to understand that there are two risk factors that evolve independently. The less physical activity, the fact of moving less, poses a risk to health. But at the same time, keeping the sitting position for a long time increases this risk. . "


Find all the morning's interviews in replay and podcast here 

The need to learn to play sports with barrier gestures

For Roland Krzentowski, it is important that the most vulnerable audiences can have access to a sporting activity, while some facilities, despite the exemptions put in place by the State, have preferred to keep the doors closed.

"Most sports halls, or practically all, are capable of receiving members with long-term affection, provided they offer a personalized program accompanied by a professional", assures this sports doctor. 

Especially since the health protocols will certainly continue to apply for several months, even after the rooms have been authorized to reopen to all of their members.

"Sufficient space for distancing, a mask to protect yourself ... these are conditions that do not prevent physical activity, and I would say that you will have to get used to these barrier gestures, to these behaviors to be able to do a physical activity, ”concludes Roland Krzentowski.