At a camp in Nichinan City, Miyazaki Prefecture, pitcher Tatsushi Masuda, who won the title with the most saves last season, threw 50 balls with a bullpen to polish his straightness.

In the ninth year, pitcher Masuda pitched in 48 games last season and made 33 saves, winning the title with the most saves for the first time.

Pitcher Masuda threw 50 balls with a bullpen on the 6th while checking the strength and trajectory of the ball, and refined his straightness.

Pitcher Masuda said, "I'm stepping up smoothly. I want to throw a fastball after I'm satisfied with the straight."

In addition, pitcher Yoshihisa Hirano, who also conducts off-campus training every year, said about returning to Orix in the old nest from the major leagues, "I'm a senior I respect and I want to hear from you when I'm not feeling well. No, "he said.