Sweden's new national team captain Glenn Solberg got a whole bunch with no thanks due to both injuries and other things before the championship in Egypt and the squad was inexperienced.

Add to that scarce preparations due to the corona pandemic and the expectations of the team were not so high.

But Blågult surprised big and finally snatched the silver after Sunday's final loss against Denmark.

The Prime Minister Stefan Löven called the national team captain Glenn Solberg to express his congratulations.

- You've done a feat.

I have seen several matches and what handball, says Löfven.

Glenn Solberg thanks for the praise.

- We are very happy with the way we have played.

We have played in a fast-paced way and it has been fun.

We had two training sessions before the first World Cup match so it was very special.

Now we have to look back at the results we have done and be proud of it.

This is just the beginning of something very good, I think, says the Norwegian.