Djurgården's coach Kim Bergstrand and assistant Thomas Lagerlöf have done an interview with Aftonbladet.

In a TV clip that was published on the site, but later removed, Bergstrand talks about leadership, which was the main topic of the interview.

He says, among other things, that one can reflect and read about what other wise people have done, or good leaders who have led people, and draws a parallel to Germany under Adolf Hitler.

- I mean you can say what you want about some horrible people who lived in Germany in the 30s and 40s.

But they got people to do things in one context.

Then methods and such can be discussed, but there are things that they also did - that you can learn from or how not to do, says Bergstrand.

The statement has provoked reactions and now the coach apologizes.

- I do not stand for these types of opinions that are associated with the cruel, sad and dark times of that time.

My word choices and reasoning were poorly chosen and I am sorry for that, says Kim Bergstrand to the club's website.

The text is updated.