Every day, Anicet Mbida makes us discover an innovation that could well change the way we consume.

This Tuesday, he is interested in a technology invented by the Japanese of the Kubota company, glasses to treat myopia like a laser operation.

The innovation of the day is a new way of treating myopia.

We knew about laser surgery.

There is now a gentler method, which works with simple glasses.

They are not corrective glasses with which one could walk in the street.

Instead, imagine big connected glasses that will project a special pattern at the back of the eye.

This pattern will make it possible to control the lengthening of the eyeball (which prevents clear vision from a distance).

And therefore end up reducing myopia without surgery.

It sounds too good to be true, yet clinical tests have been done.

And it works on adults: men, women, several nationalities.

How long do you have to wear these big glasses to get rid of your myopia?

It's still quite young, so we don't really know.

Studies have shown that wearing them for a month, between 60 and 90 minutes a day, the first effects are felt.

They are therefore already operating on a temporary basis.

A bit like hard lenses that flatten the cornea overnight and avoid wearing glasses for two to three days.

The tests are continuing to find out after how long one could be definitively treated.

Either way, it's a huge step forward.

Today there are 33% of myopic people on the planet.

With the generalization of screens, by 2050, half of the world's population, five billion people, could be affected.

Do we know when it will be available?

In autumn.

It is a technology developed by the Japanese from the Kubota company.

Note that another Japanese company, Hoya Vision, has been marketing for a few months a glass that slows the development of myopia in children.

We could therefore have solutions for both adults and children.