The first place of sumo wrestling was on the 11th and 20th, and the final game was entered.

On the other hand, Masayo Ozeki won the first recapture with Okinoumi Ayumi and defended 2 losses and lined up with Daieishō.

It is a victory or defeat after entering the middle.

▽ In the sky sea, Sadanoumi won by the sky sea.

▽ Kotoeko is close to Akiseyama.

▽ Aoiyama is pushed out by Toyoyama.

▽ Kotonowaka throws Kotonowaka well in Shimanoumi.

▽ Myogiryu is close to Ichinojo.

▽ Hoshoryu pushes down Kiribayama.

▽ Midorifuji is the shoulder of Tokushoryu.

▽ Terutsuyoshi is a stepping stone to Ryuden.

▽ Shosaru is pushed down by Shosaru to Kotoshoho.

▽ Meisei won the Takarafuji by pushing out and decided to win three places in a row from the autumn place of the re-entry.

▽ Abu Saki won the Daieishō by pushing it down.

Daieishō suffered a second loss.

▽ Hokutofuji is pushed out by Hokutofuji.

▽ Koyui to Tochinoshin Mitakeumi is pushed out by Mitakeumi.

Tochinoshin is losing.

▽ Koyasu Takayasu rushes into Endo.

▽ Terunofuji Sekiwake pushes Tamawashi to Terunofuji.

▽ Ozeki Asanoyama Sekiwake Takanosho wins with Asanoyama's striking victory and decides to win and escapes from the corner.

▽ Okinoumi Ayumi Masayo Ozeki was the most talkative sumo wrestler, but he had a brave leg in Okinoumi Ayumi, and Masayo won due to the misplacement of the Gyoji army.

At the first place, after the 11th day, Masayo and Daieishō lined up at the top with 2 losses, and Asanoyama and Akio chased with 3 losses.