Lyon striker Ada Hegerberg, one of the world's foremost football players, injured one of his cruciate ligaments in January and is nearing a comeback.

Now the accident has instead occurred to her sister, Roma's Andrine Hegerberg, during a training session on Friday.

In a post on social media, she announces that the cruciate ligament is off.

"It is difficult to put it into words.

But I have dedicated my whole life to this sport and will do everything necessary to come back ", she writes, among other things.

Mother Gerd Stolsmo tells VG that the injury happened in almost exactly the same way as for Ada.

- It was in training, no close contact, and she twisted her knee.

Now it will be an operation, probably in Oslo, but that decision will be made together with the club, she says.

ARCHIVE: See SVT's report on the target machine Ada Hegerberg (September 2018)

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Norwegian attacking star Ada Hegerberg.

Photo: Bildbyrån