With the Tour de Ski completed, the main focus is on the World Cup in Oberstsdorf, Germany.

On March 4, the 4x5 km relay will be decided.

In Linn Svahn, Sweden has already found the ideal finisher who can take over where Stina Nilsson finished with World Cup gold in Seefeld 2019.

Therese Johaug, who was sprinted down by Nilsson two years ago, has refused to run the last leg and takes the opportunity to highlight Sweden as the favorite in the relay:

- We have a strong team but it is Sweden that is the favorite even if we offer strong opposition, Johaug says to NRK.

With the world's best Johaug gone in the reasoning, even though a lot of thieves and racketeering can occur until March 4, 19-year-old Fossesholm has announced her interest in the last leg of what will be her World Cup debut.

"Will have good self-confidence on a final stretch"

NRK: Then you will probably meet Linn Svahn?

- We both have our strengths.

She's fast and I'm persistent.

It can be a tough fight.

I will have good self-confidence on a final stretch, says Fossesholm.

Fossesholm develops his thoughts:

- But I'm not afraid even if I'm not sure either.

If we go out at the same time, I think we both fear each other.

We have respect for each other, says Fossesholm.

A fourth skier is missing from the Norwegian relay team

Heidi Weng has also expressed an interest in going the last distance.

- I do not say no to it if I am in good shape.

I can take it and will probably manage it well, says Weng and is also thinking about a meeting with Svahn.

- I think that would be cool.

It's fun and I think it will be good, says Weng, who thinks she is stronger than Fossesholm in the internal Norwegian fight.

- I think I would beat her, says Weng about his Norwegian teammate.

There are a couple of competition weekends left before the Norwegian World Cup team, has not competed in the World Cup since the premiere in Ruka in November, is taken out, but at the moment Johaug, Weng and Fossesholm are considered given in an upcoming relay team in the World Cup.

About the fourth place is mentioned half a dozen people.

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