Calle Halfvarsson was responsible for a nice stage in the hunt start of 15 km in the Tour de Ski.

Halfvarsson who started as the 23rd man finished in a 15th place.

- The best Calle Halfvarsson has done this winter, says Anders Blomquist.

And Halfvarsson was pleased with the feeling today.

"A small step forward"

- It was a small step forward yesterday and a small step today as well.

It has only gotten better since the first day but it has still not gotten completely good, he says.

The reason for Calle Halfvarsson's fine stage is partly due to the fact that he has released a bit on the press - but he also points out.

- It is a pressure when you are not in a fight and you seek it, it becomes a pressure in itself.

Today it dropped a bit, now I look forward to Toblach.

Halfvarsson has a history of making good results in Toblach

- It usually goes well there so we can hope that history repeats itself.

The text is updated.