The news hit like a boom on Tuesday morning: Just over seven weeks after Gothenburg took a historic Swedish Championship gold in the women's Swedish team, the club chooses to close down its elite operations.

A shocking message, not least for the new acquisition Johanna Rytting Kaneryd, 23, who joined from rival Rosengård on 14 December.

"I received the news as shockingly as you.

It is clear that it will be extra surprising for me who just signed for the club.

I was recruited and got a plan presented to me and that the club will then be closed down days after I signed on, I feel shocked and do not understand how this could have happened ", she writes to SVT Sport.

Gothenburg has been one of the top in recent years and Rytting Kaneryd looked forward to coming to a professional association with a "clear goal to continue to win".

“I was also looking forward to continuing my important journey towards the Olympics this summer.

It is very sad but we try to look ahead and hope for a solution ", writes the midfielder.