Federation captain Fredrik Bergendorff is already giving a clear indication of who is most relevant.

The newly selected national team squad for next year includes seven riders.

Among the names are veteran Sara Algotsson Ostholt, silver medalist in London 2012 and for many years a championship anchor, and Anna Freskgård, who so unfortunately lost her horse during the WC in Tryon 2018.

"Hard job"

In all probability, they would not have been up to the Olympics if the games had been decided as planned this summer.

- It is a difficult job to take out an Olympic team, but it should be, says Fredrik Bergendorff to ridsport.se.

- Most often, the results still speak for themselves.

With the new format - three crews to start instead of four and all results count - his selection becomes even more important.

And the ambition is high after the European Championship medals of recent years (silver in team 2017, bronze 2019).

- Now we can try to maximize the chance of winning a medal, instead of thinking that we should secure a qualifying place.

It is probably in the end about the same kind of set of riders who ride, but it is a different attitude in that thinking, says Fredrik Bergendorff.

Crowded behind

Behind the national team squad are 13 riders, where many may be eligible for championships and some for the Nations Cup competitions that await next year.

- I can not talk enough about the Nations Cup series.

It is a fantastic competition format that opens up so many opportunities for riders who aim for a place in the top squad, says Fredrik Bergendorff.

- The development for Swedish field competition is really going in the right direction.

The breadth of riders we have now goes hand in hand with the investment we are making in Sweden with more international competitions at home, he says to ridsport.se.