Sweden's ladies would defend last week's relay victory - and came third after a dramatic sprint lap.

Elvira Öberg went out a minute after leading Norway on the last leg.

After the last shot, she went out with Germany and Italy in the battle for third place.

She sprinted down Denise Herrmann in the riot and snatched the bronze place.

Hanna Öberg had a hard day on the dike on the third leg.

She started her first shooter with two booms, but was still ten seconds behind Norway out of the dike.

In the standing shooter, there were then three booms.

She put in two extra shots but pulled on a round.

- I do not know what happened.

It was not a good feeling at all and it was very sad.

I have a high load in my legs and it became a bender, it was difficult to keep still quite simply, she says to SVT Sport.

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Here Hanna Öberg goes on a penalty round

At the top after two distances

The better they went on the two initial distances.

Johanna Skottheim started with full shooting and sent out Linn Persson in the close group together with Germany and Norway.

She shot full in the horizontal shot and in the vertical shot it then became a boom party for all nations.

Persson fired three booms - but managed without a penalty round, which Norway and Germany did not.

Sweden and the Czech Republic led after the second leg, closely followed by Norway and Germany.