Malmö drove over Leksand a passive and stagnant Leksand in the first period.

The Skåne team created several long attacks in the offensive zone with moving forwards that created several chances.

But it was acting in his own zone that Malmö's Emil Sylvegård praised most in C More after the first period:

-We make good values ​​in our own zone when we are a little tired.

Then the puck chips out, so we can change an old man and not get stuck in our own zone.

"Competed us"

In addition, Malmö received a good goal dividend in the first round:

Fredrik Händemark made 1-0 after 2.41 and 2-0 came after 14.32 through Emil Sylvegård, who just before had thoughts of changing:

-I had been inside for quite a long time, but took a chance and drove on, said Emil Sylvegård in C More.

Leksand coach Björn Hellkvist was really disappointed when he commented on the first period in C More:

-They succeeded, I suppose, better with their game plan than we did.

Then they competed against us.

"Shitty goal"

Leksands played better in the second period and Nils Åman's reduction to 2-1 after 3.28 was important for the Dala team, which did not reach the playing standard in the team.

Among other things, it was a long time ago that in Leksand's first chain with Carter Camper, Marek Hvrivik and Peter Cehlarik was as pale as during the first two periods.

The last period was really dramatic.

Leksand lifted their game and looked to be heading for a victory when defenders Jonas Ahnelöv and August Berg each scored, which meant a 3-2 lead for Leksand.

But Emil Sylvegård answered quickly and equalized for Malmö to 3-3.

Therefore, it was really tough for Malmö when a few minutes later they got Jesper Jensen Aaabo sent off and Emil Heineman could make 4-3 for Leksand.

-Shitty goal.

We said we would go in and porridge in front of the box to get the ugly goals, said Emil Heineman in C More