“Artyom Dzyuba always managed to remind of himself: promises to pay in Tula in order to play against Zenit, interviews to the club's employees with a public removal of litter from the hut, lack of support from his friend, against whom part of the country took up arms, arguments about the buses paid for by fans on matches of the national team, imitation of sexual intercourse with Azmun.

Each of his stories caused a new wave of negativity, casting a shadow on the name of the club.

What happened before the match against Krasnodar was overwhelming.

We perceive Dziuba's behavior as excessive narcissism, disregard for the name of our "Zenith".

After the goal was scored, footballer number 22 once again expressed his attitude to us.

We are glad that now there are no understatements between us in relation to each other and Artyom Dzyuba and I have dotted all the "i" s, - reads the message on the website of the fan association "Landskrona".

On the eve of the match of the 14th round of the Russian Premier League with Krasnodar, an intimate video was published on the Internet, which, presumably, depicts the football player himself.

Earlier, TV presenter Shepelev criticized Cherchesov for excluding Dziuba from the Russian national team.