Every day, Anicet Mbida makes us discover an innovation that could well change the way we consume.

This Monday, he is interested in a revolutionary washing machine.

It contains a drum that can be separated into several compartments to be able to mix colors.

The innovation of the day could well simplify the laundry.

It is the first washing machine where you can mix colors without any risk.

Red towels mixed with white T-shirts that, in the end, don't turn pink… Why?

Quite simply because the machine drum can be divided into several compartments.

It's a very simple idea, you wonder why nobody thought of it before.

You have to imagine a classic window washing machine.

But whose drum can be segmented into two or three with large metal plates.

Of course, you will always have to sort your laundry, either by color or by material.

But rather than doing different detergents, we can wash jeans, sweaters and shirts together without them mixing.

Because everyone will remain protected in their own compartment.

Suddenly, we will only do one laundry where we used to do three.

This saves water and electricity.

But if we divide the drum, it leaves less room for sheets or duvets for example.

No, because the plates are removable.

If we really need space, we remove them and find a large classical drum.

Another advantage of the compartments: they will also protect the most fragile clothes, a bit like the bags that we use to prevent the zippers from damaging the lace.

It is a technique that we owe to Wanki Kim, a Korean industrial designer.

He is in contact with several appliance manufacturers.

This is an option that could be found on the washing machines from the beginning of next year.