Lotte has recruited Na Seung-yeop, the highest high school infielder, who was aiming to advance to the major leagues.

Although Na Seung-yeop initially had a strong presence in the US, he turned to Lotte's persistent love call.

Lotte received the autograph by giving Deoksu High School infielder Na Seung-yeop a down payment of 500 million won, the highest amount of a new beast in the club's history.

Lotte has also become the'best winner' of this rookie draft by signing a contract with Kim Jin-wook of Gangneung High School, who is the 2nd No. 1 pitcher, and Kim Jin-wook of Gangneung High School, for 370 million won, and with Son Sung-bin of Jangan An-go, the 1st catcher, for 150 million won.