An odd playoff came to a golden purple end when Los Angeles won the title and Lebron won his fourth championship - with his third club.

But despite the special championship, the 35-year-old has a hard time valuing the win.

- I can not sit here and say that one (the championship) is more challenging than the other (the championship), or that one is more difficult than anything else.

I can only say that, I have never won in this atmosphere.

None of us have been a part of this before, says LeBron James at the closing press conference in Orlando, Disney World.

"Very challenging and difficult"

But that it has been a difficult time for many of the players without their families and everyday life is still clear.

- For us who have been here since the start, we came here on July 9 and it is October 11 now, so it has been very challenging and difficult.

Being in the bubble has been demanding for both your mind and your body.

- I saw some who were not in the bubble express themselves, "you do not have to travel", but people just doubt what is happening in here.

But this is one of the greatest achievements I will carry with me.

Will miss the platform

During the press conference, LeBron also thanked NBA league chairman Adam Silver and everyone who made it possible to complete the playoffs.

But he also took the opportunity to praise the players 'union for the support and pay tribute to all players' solidarity in the political positions that have been made.

- All players can probably say that based on the discussions about social injustice, the attempts to get people not to vote and police brutality.

Having this platform, where we players can agree, is something you will miss.

You will think back on it.

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LeBron James on the time in the bubble: "You will think back on it"