Professor, qualified researcher, member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and the Nobel Committee that nominates the Nobel Prize in Physics.

In everyday life at Stockholm University, Mats Larsson has in his spare time taken on the task of defending the wrestler Jenny Fransson.

His main criticism is directed at the Swedish doping laboratory.

- The acting manager has not understood what is in Wada's technical document.

This is what governs whether a laboratory should be able to report a sample as positive or not.

And I mean, they have not quality assured the measurements enough to report a positive sample.

It would be reported as negative, says Mats Larsson.

Experiences of similar cases

Mats Larsson has previously proven that athletes have been wrongly convicted.

In 2013, weightlifter Kim Mikkelsen was released when it was proven that Mikkelsen produced an anabolic steroid in low concentrations.

- I think this indicates that neither the doping board nor the laboratory sat down and actually read the scientific literature.

When I did that, I saw that there was nothing that could indicate that he would use boldenone, and I was right, says Larsson.

"satisfies all demands"

Anton Pohanka, acting head of the Swedish Doping Laboratory, says in a message to SVT Sport that they follow the international doping organization Wada's requirements.

“The Doping Laboratory cannot comment on individual cases, but in general it can be said that the Doping Laboratory is accredited and follows and meets all the requirements set by Wada.

This also applies to how the laboratory takes into account disturbing substances that could affect the result, ”he writes.

See the whole feature about the professor here:

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The professor who defends Jenny Fransson