Yankees Tanaka 5th inning, 1 goal, 2nd win of the season, September 12, 11:31

Major League Baseball pitcher Masahiro Tanaka started the game against the Orioles on the 11th and scored his second win of the season with one goal in five innings.

Pitcher Tanaka started in the second round of the doubleheader with the Orioles in New York on the 11th in 7 innings.

In the first inning, pitcher Tanaka was caught by the opponent's 3rd batter from 2 outs and allowed a home run and lost 1 point at the start.

It was a painful development with two runners on his back with hits and dead balls twice, but he did not allow additional points such as striking out two batters in a row with a split that is good for the subsequent batter.

After the 3rd inning, 3 batters each held down the pitching with a slow and fast pitching using a fastball and a changing ball, and threw it up to 5 times to get off the mound.

Pitcher Tanaka threw 91 balls and hit three hits, and struck out five and scored one goal.

In the match, the Yankees won 10 to 1, and pitcher Tanaka won his second win with his first win in two games, with a record of 2 wins and 2 losses this season.