Liverpool coach Jurgen Klopp of England Premier League'champion' last season dismissed the possibility of signing Lionel Messi, who announced a break with FC Barcelona.

In an interview with the public broadcaster BBC, coach Klopp told the public broadcaster, "There is no possibility that Messi will join Liverpool. "Any club wants to sign Messi. Messi is a great player, but not for our team."

As Messi sent a fax request for a transfer to Barcelona on the 26th, the world's soccer world drew attention to Messi's direction.

With big clubs such as Manchester City (England) and Paris Saint-Germain (France) being predicted as Messi's next destination, Manchester City with'Oil Money' is emerging as a strong candidate.

"If Messi goes to Manchester City, it will be a really hard team to win," said Klopp. "If Messi comes to the Premier League, it will definitely be awesome."

However, he added, "Mesh only played in the Primera Liga. The Premier League stage is a little different," he added. "I want to see Messi play in the Premier League, but I'm not sure."

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)