Since March 2020, a maximum of 50 people have been allowed to participate in public gatherings and public events. The government has previously proposed that the limit be raised, but still have a ceiling. The Public Health Agency is now proposing that the limit be raised to 500 people, with a distance of one meter between each person.

- It is good that you have looked at distance parts, it feels wise and well thought out in every way, says Håkan Sjöstrand but continues:

- Then we believe that the limitation in the audience should be expressed in a well-balanced percentage, linked to the arena's conditions and the infrastructure that exists around.

- If you take Friends Arena, for example, you have an infrastructure and completely different spaces that differ, for example, from Skytteholm's IP, which is right next door. We think it is important to include such aspects.

Small teams out in the countryside, what can this mean for them?

- There is of course a great value and it is important that an association can take in 500 spectators. But at our international matches, for example, we can receive significantly more in an infectious way.

SEE MORE: FHM's new message to sports: Can let in 500 people

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FHM's new message to sports: Can let in 500 people Photo: TT News Agency