Major League Reds Akiyama 3 hits with no hits August 26 13:14

Major League Reds Shogo Akiyama started the match against the Brewers on the 25th, with three hits and no hits.

Akiyama started the match against the Brewers in the opponent's hometown of Milwaukee at the 6th center for the first time in two games.

The first bat was a third ball with a bat in the in-course fastball, the second bat was a foul and the tenth ball after hitting the ball, and the third bat was a center fly.

It was a non-hit 3 hits in this match, with 9 hits, 1 hit, and a hit at the turn at bat without 2 outrunners.

Reds lost 2 to 3 in the game, losing 4 consecutive games.