Professional baseball par league leaders Softbank and Rakuten both win 0:17 on August 14

In professional baseball, four night games were played, and both Soft League leaders and Rakuten won the top league.

Pacific League

SoftBank vs. Orix SoftBank won 3:1.

SOFTBANK caught up with Imamiya's No. 5 solo home run twice to score one point, and overcame one point with Shuto's timely three-base hit.

The starting pitcher Otake took the first victory of the season with one goal in the middle of the sixth inning. Softbank won 4 consecutive wins and ORIX lost 6 consecutive games.

In Seibu vs. Rakuten, Rakuten won 7 to 4.

Rakuten won three times with one-on-one, Tatsumi's solo home run, and Asamura's timely hit, and overcame three points, adding five and seven points.

The second Taiza pitcher won the second inning with 2 innings, and Makita made the first save in five years. Rakuten has won 3 consecutive wins, and Seibu has lost 7 consecutive losses for the first time in 5 years.

Lotte wins Nippon Ham by 8-6.

Lotte was able to catch the same score with Sugano's timely two-base hit in the sixth inning after scoring one point, and beat him in the seventh inning and Sato's two-point timely hit to win three points.

The third Flores pitcher won the season's first victory.

SE League

In Giants vs. Yakult, the Giants won the goodbye by 4 to 3.

The Giant chased three points four times in a row with Maru and Nakajima's consecutive solo home runs, and was equated with Okamoto's timely hit in the fifth.

And in the 9th inning, he won the goodbye with a timely hit by Kamei.

Nakagawa, who relieved from the middle of the 8th inning, is the first victory of the season. Yakult was unable to keep the lead in the early stages and lost four straight games.