Darvish 6th inning without a run This season's first victory 15:29 on August 1st

Major League Cubs pitcher Darvish started the Pirates match on the 31st and scored 6 times with no goals and scored his first victory of the season.

The Cubs pitcher Darvish originally planned to start the Reds match on the 30th, but the match was abandoned due to rain, so he started the match against the Pirates in Chicago, hometown on the 31st.

Pitcher Darvish gave the first batter a foreball once, but the runner out of the run at the batter's turn at the next batter. After this, the following batter hit the center fly and the short ground, and controlled the start without a goal.

In the second inning, he had his first hit on the day, but he took two consecutive strikeouts with a fast ball of over 150 km and a sharp changing ball, and in the fourth inning, he took three consecutive strikeouts. I got better each time.

In this match, Darbish pitcher did not approach the opponent's batting line with stable pitching, throwing 86 balls by 6 times of 4 points lead, hitting 2 hits, hitting 7 strikeouts, and scored without a goal. Did.

In the game, Cubs won 6-3 and Darvish pitched for the first time this season.