Blue Jays Yamaguchi Major League First pitching to lose pitcher July 27, 7:44

Shun Yamaguchi, who will be playing in the Major League Blue Jays this season, made his major league debut on the 26th when he pitched for the first time in a match with the Rays, but was hit by a goodbye hit and became a losing pitcher.

The opening round of the Blue Jays and Rays was held on the 26th at Rays' home in St. Petersburg, Florida, and extended the tie-break system that started with a runner on second base with a 4 to 4 tie.

The Breezees scored a goal in the 10th inning, and Yamaguchi pitched for the first time on the mound to make a major league debut.

Yamaguchi pitched a two-point two-base hit after making no-out first-base and second-base in the foreball, and lost 5-5 to Sayonara to become a losing pitcher.

Ray's Yoshitomo Tsutsuka was the first player to miss the starting lineup and played in the 7th inning, and fell to the second goal, but marked a RBI 1.

In the 9th inning, in which he pursued 2 more points, he chose a foreball that led to a tie, and the match was 1 hit with no hits and 1 RBI.