Thus, one follows in the footsteps of the Washington Redskins who have removed their nickname. "We will make an extensive renewal process", writes the club which will keep the logo with "EE" just like its colors in gold and green.

The club will meanwhile be called "EE Football" or "Edmonton Football Team".

It is unclear when the club can start playing under their new name. The league, CFL, was postponed in June due to the corona pandemic and it has not been decided when it can be resumed.

As recently as February, the club announced that it would retain the name "Eskimos" after a year-long investigation, but after the fatal beating of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement's strong influence, the situation has changed radically.

The Cleveland Indians change their name

"A lot has happened since we made the decision in February," the club writes now, according to AP.

The baseball team Cleveland Indians will also change the name.

In 2015, Canada's national Inuit organization demanded that Edmonton remove "Eskimos" from the name because it is named after an ethnic group. However, the Inuit Association of the United States will continue to use the word Eskimo.