Among fairytale castles and roller coasters, the American football league has gathered. At Disney World Florida in Orlando, thousands of players, coaches and other employees are currently gathered to decide MLS.

- When you found out that you would be two months without the family, it was probably not the case that you laughed immediately, says Tinnerholm.

Tightly controlled existence

The full-back and his New York City FC have been in place for just over two weeks and have experienced a tightly controlled life.

- When you came here, it was the whole team that was tested and the first twelve hours you were in self-isolation until you got a negative result. You are not allowed to meet anyone else and then you are not allowed to leave the area. There is no feeling of freedom directly, the 29-year-old tells SVT Sport.

In addition to an above and uncomfortable situation inside Disney World, the sportsmen inside the corona bubble have gone against the former Malmö player.

- It's been tough. We have actually made two pretty good matches in terms of play, but we have a hard time getting the ball in and then you do not win any football matches. It is important that we reload now after two really heavy losses, says Tinnerholm to SVT Sport.

Hear Tinnerholm himself in the player above