At the age of 16, he won the World Women’s National Elephant Championship 10 years later and took over the appointment letter from Shenzhen University to start teaching

  Hou Yifan: From chess to the age of 26, full professor opened a new chapter in cross-border

  In 2010, 16-year-old Hou Yifan won the World Women's National Elephant Championships, the youngest player in history. Ten years later, on July 10, 26-year-old Hou Yifan accepted the appointment letter from Shenzhen University and became a professor in the School of Physical Education of Shenzhen Normal University (Department of Education). At the same time, she became the youngest full professor in the history of Shenzhen University. From after chess to students to today's professors, Hou Yifan opened every new chapter in his life, which is an extraordinary experience.

Chess player to professor role change

  In the summer of 2019, Hou Yifan returned to his home country after graduating from Oxford University in the UK. A few weeks later, a chess event that led Hou Yifan to Shenzhen University eventually led to her cross-border transformation from chess player to educator.

  On July 13, when a reporter from the Beijing Youth Daily contacted Hou Yifan, she had already started work at Shenzhen University. Before as a chess player, Hou Yifan came to Shenzhen many times, but now as an educator, Hou Yifan is quickly entering a new role.

  At present, Hou Yifan has not started teaching, because the students of the Sports Training Department of Shenzhen University Sports College will not be admitted until this fall. Moreover, Hou Yifan's students are more than professional chess players. "We are still preparing courseware, bidding for projects, and planning research plans beyond teaching." Hou Yifan said.

  Although she still needs to be familiar with her work, Hou Yifan said that her "cross-border" was well thought out. Hou Yifan said that her position in her work, in addition to training students, also includes the popularity of chess and how to integrate with youth education. Hou Yifan said: "I have been playing chess for 20 years, and the national elephant has become a part of my life. When I came to Shenzhen as a teacher, I hope that life can be enriched, and I hope to share my experience and inspire others. In this way, I am also engaged in the national elephant project. more meaningful."

Peking University to Oxford's turn

  Before accepting the appointment letter from a professor at Shenzhen University, Hou Yifan had experienced an extraordinary turn. As the youngest and most promising player in the chess field, Hou Yifan suddenly chose to study at Peking University. Not only did she succeed in North University, but she also got a Rhodes scholarship and went to Oxford to study further.

  At the Peking University School of International Relations, Hou Yifan took the diplomatic major. Hou Yifan said she hopes to gain a different spark of thought in the intersection of two sets of knowledge systems.

  During her studies at Peking University, Hou Yifan won the first place in the subject comprehensive evaluation twice, which laid the groundwork for her successful application for the Rhodes Scholarship in 2017. In Oxford, Hou Yifan chose to study the direction of public policy. After studying for several years, her greatest achievement was the development of her vision. "I used to think about the problem, always from the perspective of the chess player. Nowadays, I have experienced many group discussions in my studies. In the research of the topic, I need to have a more comprehensive investigation and avoid preconceptions." Hou Yifan said.

  From Peking University to Oxford University, Hou Yifan, like ordinary students, is facing the pressure of schoolwork and heavy academic work. "Including writing papers stuck, time allocation will also encounter problems. Under these stressful conditions, I am also learning how to coordinate without affecting life. I also found that when I discuss academic problems, I also think that it can be used to play chess. on."

Crossing the border from the comfort zone

  Looking back at his studies at that time, Hou Yifan believed that he had just made a simple decision.

  Nowadays, Hou Yifan is struggling to show his strength in the education circle, just as she was determined and brave as she chose to join the university campus 8 years ago. Hou Yifan said: "After staying in a circle for a long time, I am used to staying in this comfort zone. It is difficult for me to make changes after a long time. I hope that I can keep pace with the times and inject new elements into myself. Do as much as possible for the society as much as possible. Life is about seeing more different landscapes."

  Another change brought to Hou Yifan by reading is to bring her a larger social circle. "From going to school at Peking University to applying for the Rhodes Scholarship to going to school in Oxford, I have known more and better friends outside the sports world. From teachers to classmates to other researchers, they are all outstanding talents in various fields. .. I found that they still have a persistent heart to move on. Being with them can help open their minds."

  One year after graduating from Oxford University, Hou Yifan is making a leap from student to education. But long ago, she had the desire to impart her experience of learning and playing chess to the outside world.

  A year ago, Hou Yifan came to Shenzhen to participate in the national elephant event and chatted with the dean of Shenzhen Chess Academy Liu Shilan about the development of the national elephant in colleges and universities. Liu Shilan immediately encouraged and advised her to work in Shenzhen University.

  Hou Yifan said that when he came to Shenzhen University to teach, he hoped to implement his study experience at Peking University and Oxford in his own teaching methods. She said: "I hope to integrate these educational concepts into Chinese teaching concepts, and hope to combine Chinese good education methods so that students can learn more efficiently."

Playing chess and education will be the focus of the future

  Beijing Youth Daily reporter interviewed Hou Yifan late the night before, Hou Yifan just finished the third final of the FIDE Women's Quick Chess Tournament. In this game held on the Internet, Hou Yifan was once behind the Russian player Gono, still stubbornly leveling, dragging the game into overtime. Unfortunately, because of the mouse operation error, Hou Yifan took the initiative to admit defeat. Regardless of the result, this means playing chess and education, which will be the focus of Hou Yifan's next work.

  Hou Yifan told reporters that in the past few years, while she was busy studying, she also insisted on playing chess. Recently affected by the new coronavirus epidemic, including the national elephant candidate race was forced to stop halfway, many games became online, but also gave Hou Yifan the opportunity to participate. "Now the games are all held on the Internet. The best thing is that you don’t need chess players to fly to the game to concentrate on the competition for half a month, and the game time is in the evening of Chinese time. I have work during the day, and it happens at night. Chess does not conflict with work, I still love games."

  Right now, Hou Yifan's workload in Shenzhen is not small. In addition to the profound teaching and research tasks, after the landing of the Longxiang Base of the National Elephant National Team in the later period, she also needs to serve as a coach. Talking about how to allocate her energy, Hou Yifan admitted that she will definitely focus on work now, and the offline games depend on whether time can be coordinated. "I do less planning for 5 years and 10 years, and mostly do short-term goals."

  Along the way, every time Hou Yifan came to the crossroads of life, he would make extraordinary choices. She said that she did what she wanted. "I chose to play chess or go to school before, but now I still choose to play chess or work. In fact, thinking too much, it is better to simplify the treatment and follow your heart."

  Speaking of the moment, Hou Yifan said that she was satisfied with the choice she made. Her goal is to attract more good students to Shenzhen University. "I have traveled to promote national elephants and hold lectures around the world before, but most of the audience are local professional teams, or primary and secondary students, and very few college students. This time I can work in colleges and universities, I can do more exploration and find promotion The meeting point. I also advertise to Shenzhen University. Before, many people chose to go to Boston for school, considering that there are famous schools and the most well-known companies. Now around Shenzhen University, there are many world-renowned companies that can provide Internship opportunities. Students are welcome to apply for our school, we are professional."

  Text/Reporter Chu Peng Photo courtesy/Hou Yifan