Major League Darvish pitched in the Red and White game and scored 0:14 on July 10

A major league Cubs pitcher, Darvish, threw three times in the Red and White match in Chicago on the 9th and scored one hit without a goal, showing good pitching for the second time in a row.

The Cubs are camping in their hometown of Chicago for the opening, with Darvish pitching just one hit against eight batters in the first Red and White match on the 4th, and the Red and White on the 9th. I went up to the second mound in the battle.

Darbish pitched for two consecutive strikeouts at one time, and the second time, he hit the third fly with the fastest 153km ball on the day, keeping him in a three-way hit.

The lead batter hit the center three times, but Guro Uchino made the following and double-played.

Darvish pitched three times, scored one hit in the match with 10 batters, and scored two strikeouts. He was a candidate for the opening pitcher and showed good pitching for two consecutive games.

In fielders, Shogo Akiyama of the Reds participated in the Red and White match, and the first bat at first was an empty strikeout, but the second at bat of 3 times chose a foreball and then went to the base and decided the base.

The third at-bat in the 5th inning was a liner, but it became a left fly.

Ray's Yoshitomo Tsutsuka competed against the pitcher in a game-style practice, hitting in front of the center in the first at-bat and hitting two hits with one hit in the second at-bat.