It is the Swedish Figure Skating Association that has itself ordered an external investigation after reports of maladministration. In early June, parts of the one where it appeared that trainers exposed the rider to emotional abuse and weight.

- The results in the report indicate bigger problems than we knew. We feel very sorry about that, said the union's chairman Katarina Henriksson to SVT Sport then.

Now the entire report is complete and it reinforces the picture of abuses within the union. The investigation shows structural and organizational problems at all levels, that there is a widespread culture of silence and that children and young people report emotional, physical and sexual abuse.

Must take action

The figure skating association writes on its website that a great deal of work is now being started on analyzing the results of the final report and then drawing up proposals for measures and action plans. Proposed measures and action plans are discussed with the members of the union at the union forum on August 15.

- We have now done the first part of the job, we have dared to ask the questions. The result shows that we are on the right track with the development of the Confederation Development Plan and the ongoing structural change within the Swedish Figure Skating Association. Now, together, we will do what is necessary to create safe sports environments. We will take action and develop an action plan, ”Katarina Henriksson, chair of the Swedish Figure Skating Association, tells the union's website.


In the spring, SVT Sport conducted an examination of the Figure Skating Association. It showed that for twelve years the union had taken part in a total of 15 text messages and e-mails in which parents demonstrated about maladministration in figure skating. Despite this, the alarm has continued to come.

"It is very sad that it exists, we want zero vision against everything like this," Katarina Henriksson told SVT Sport.

Clip: Missing conditions in Swedish figure skating in 90 seconds (June 4, 2020)

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The alarm in Swedish figure skating in 90 seconds Photo: Bildbyrån