
Profession basketball SK's guard Kim Seon-hyung is polishing a hot dunk shot these days. I gave up the dunk for three years after my injury, but I decided to fly again for fan service.

This is reporter Lee Jung-chan.


Kim Seon- hyeong, who is 187 cm tall, is a small basketball player but has been famous for his dunk shot since his rookie.

When I had the chance, I shot enthusiastically and won the runner-up in the Dunk Contest.

The so-called'In-You-Face Dunk' that popped in front of a taller player is considered the best scene.

[Kim Sun-hyung/SK Knights Guard: Uh, the guard also dunks? I think the whole gym is hilarious as the crowds'woogung' and the (dunk) is the flower of basketball.]

But after a terrible accident that an ankle fractured three years ago, I never tried to dunk again.

Kim Sun-hyung, who recently regained his confidence by combining severe rehabilitation and psychotherapy, finally announced a dunk shot next season.

[Kim Sun-hyung/SK Knights Guard: I was sharpening a knife. After resting the dunk for about 3 years, my feet are stiff.] Myung-eun Moon

, who was famous for his exciting back dunk during his active career, has helped cheer up the director.

[Director Moon Kyung-eun/SK Knights: I highly recommend (dunk shots even if I fail) because there is more to gain than to lose.]

The driving force of Kim Sun-pyo is the speed and long arms.

The jump in place is normal at 60 cm, but the length of open arms is 195 cm.

Here, the jumping power is doubled at an explosive speed, jumping up to 3m 30cm to shoot a dunk.

Apart from team training, Kim Seon-hyung is taking the dunk shot personal practice and drawing the day that will once again excite fans.

(Video coverage: Heungki Kim, Video editing: Nam Il, CG: Kyuyeon Kim)